
Stratagy Enterprise Server (ES)
Stratagy General Description 01/03 11
Optional Equipment
Optional equipment can be ordered with the system and is boxed separately. The following
equipment is optional and can be included in the initial configuration or added as an upgrade.
High-resolution Color Monitor
Voice Boards
The following is a list of voice and resource boards supported by Stratagy ES. Each board is
identified by its Intel title followed by its associated Toshiba part number.
Important! ES4 supports the use of ProLine/2V, Dialog/4 and Dialog/41ESC boards.
2 ports ProLine/2V (SG-DL-P2)
4 ports Dialog/4 (SG-DL-P4)
SCSA-based Voice Boards:
16 ports D/160SC-LS (SG-DL-P16)
4 ports D/41ESC (SES-DL-P4-SC)
24 digital T1 ports D/240SC-T1 (SES-DL-P24-T1)
48 digital T1 ports D/480SC-2T1 (SES-DL-P48-2T1)
Note To avoid conflict issues with SCbus features (fax, TTS, ASR), Toshiba strongly
discourages the mixing of SCSA compatible and non-SCSA compatible voice interface
Resource Boards
GammaLink® GammaFax board for fax applications (SES-GFAX-SP6SC for 6 channels),
(SES-SGAX-SP12SC for 12 channels).
Intel Antares board for large TTS and ASR capacities (SES-ANT-2000/50)
Optional System Support Components
ES4 Remote Maintenance Kit (SES-REMOTE-KIT) comes complete with an internal
56Kbps Internal PCI modem and Symantec
pcANYWHERE remote maintenance
Important! For performing remote maintenance and troubleshooting on the ES4, Toshiba
strongly suggests the purchase of the Remote Maintenance Kit.
8GB TR-4 Travan tape drive (SES-TAPE-DR-8GB)
ONEAC Model ON400A-SN (or equivalent), 400VAC, 1/2 hour UPS with Power
Conditioner and Ground Bar with serial cable. Required for all Stratagy ES systems. (See
Stratagy ES Optional Equipment on page 53 for specifications.)
Note A Toshiba Stratagy ES-approved Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is required on all
Stratagy ES systems.