Section 12
Other Information
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Please see computers.toshiba.eu/options-warranty
for the TOSHIBA hotline numbers.
Operating Environment Conditions
Operating temperature: 5 to 35° C
Operating humidity: 20 to 80 %
(no condensation allowed)
Regulatory Information
CE compliance
This product is CE marked in accordance with the requirements of the applicable EU Directives.
Responsible for CE marking is Toshiba Europe GmbH, Hammfelddamm 8, 41460 Neuss, Germany. A
copy of the ofcial Declaration of Conformity can be obtained from following website:
Working Environment
The Electromagnetic Compliance (EMC) of this product has been veried typically for this product
category for a so called Residential, Commercial & Light Industry Environment. Any other working
environment has not been veried by Toshiba and the use of this product in these working
environments is maybe restricted or cannot be recommended. Possible consequences of the use of
this product in non veried working environments can be: Disturbances of other products or of this
product in the nearby surrounding area with temporarily malfunction or data loss/corruption as result.
Example of non veried working environments and related advices:
Industrial environment (e.g. environments where a mains voltage of 380V three-phase is being used
mainly): Danger of disturbances of this product due to possible strong electromagnetic elds especially
near to big machinery or power units.
Medical environment: The compliance to the Medical Product Directive has not been veried by
Toshiba, therefore this product cannot be used as a medical product without further verication. The
use in usual ofce environments e.g. in hospitals should be no problem if there is no restriction by the
responsible administration.