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PICS for A-Profile support
Client Server A-Profile
Profile Description
GRT100 Remarks
A1 Client/server A-Profile c1 c1 Y
management A-Profile
c2 c2 Y
A3 GSSE A-Profile c3 c3 N
A4 TimeSync A-Profile c4 c4 Y
c1 Shall be ‘m’ if support for any service specified in Table 2 are declared within the ACSI basic conformance statement.
c2 Shall be ‘m’ if support for any service specified in Table 6 are declared within the ACSI basic conformance statement.
c3 Shall be ‘m’ if support for any service specified in Table 9 are declared within the ACSI basic conformance statement.
c4 Support for at least one other A-Profile shall be declared (e.g. in A1-A3) in order to claim conformance to IEC 61850-8-1.
PICS for T-Profile support
Client Server A-Profile
Profile Description
GRT100 Remarks
T1 TCP/IP T-Profile c1 c1 Y
T2 OSI T-Profile c2 c2 N
T3 GOOSE/GSE T-Profile c3 c3 Y
T4 GSSE T-Profile c4 c4 N
T5 TimeSync T-Profile o o Y
c1 Shall be ‘m’ if support for A1 is declared. Otherwise, shall be 'i'.
c2 Shall be ‘o’ if support for A1 is declared. Otherwise, shall be 'i'.
c3 Shall be ‘m’ if support for A2 is declared. Otherwise, shall be 'i.
c4 Shall be ‘m’ if support for A3 is declared. Otherwise, shall be 'i.