56 GN-1010 User’s Manual — Appendix
AP (Access Point)
Access points serve as the bridge between wired networks and wireless networks, as
well as providing bridge functions between segments and IP tunnel functions indispens-
able to the building of versatile, large-scale networks.
CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision
CSMA is a method of avoiding collision by which wireless terminals listen before trans-
mitting and do not transmit if they can hear transmissions from other wireless terminals.
CSMA/CA is CSMA plus additional collision avoidance functions.
DS (Direct Sequence)
A type of spectrum diffusion signal using narrow band modulation with phase modula-
tion, in which the diffusion is by means of phase modulation using a broad band diffu-
sion signal (pseudo random strings).
ESS ID (Extended Service Set ID)
In the GN-1010 series, the ESS ID is similar to a name assigned to the wireless LAN
network to which a unit belongs. Communication between wireless terminals which
have different names cannot be performed.
Wireless network can be partitioned by using different ESS ID names.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineers)
"I-triple-E," involved in a wide range of fields from communications and computer to
medicine and biology, with primary activities related to publishing articles and sponsor-
ing conferences, but also recommending and setting of standards.
The organization sponsoring Committee 802 which is responsible for LAN related mat-
IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11b
The wireless LAN standard established by the IEEE.
LAN (Local Area Network)
A network configured from mutual connections between computers within a limited
Also called an "intranet" or "business or regional data communications network."
RSSI (Receive Signal Strength Indication)
A numeric indicator of incoming signal strength.
RTS (Reqest To Send)
In communication via AP, transmission is controlled by CSMA/CA plus RTS. In RTS, a
wireless terminal asks the AP if it is able to transmit, and only transmits after an OK-to-
send acknowledgement signal is returned. This serves to avoid unnecessary collisions
when hidden terminals exist because hidden terminals cannot transmit.
System to integrate wireless LAN with wired LAN