28 GL-1010 Network Fax Operator’s Guide
M Select a program group to which the GL-1010 tools icons
will be added, or accept the default folder, TOSHIBA e-
M When the setup program finishes copying the necessary
files to your computer, you are prompted to view the
ReadMe file. Deselect, if desired, and then click
Finish to
exit the Setup Wizard.
If you select a new file location,
the directory name must conform to the DOS 8.3 naming
convention of an eight-character file name with a three-
character file extension.
4 Reboot the workstation.
5 Verify the installation by selecting Toshiba GL Address Book
from the TOSHIBA e-STUDIO GL Client Program Group. If
the GL-Address Book Editor does not display, repeat the
above steps.