GD-1220/1221 © 2006 - 2008 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved
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PIP Procedure Interrupt Positive
Informs that the image signals have been received correctly and requests the operator’s reply by
telephone or to return to the beginning of the phase B to continue the communication (i.e., CALL
Request, etc.).
PIN Procedure Interrupt Negative
Informs that the image signals have not been received correctly and requests for operator’s reply
by telephone or to return to the beginning of the phase B to continue the communication.
PRI-EOM Procedure Interrupt EOM
Command similar to EOM. Operation by operator is necessary.
PRI-MPS Procedure Interrupt MPS
Command similar to MPS. Operation by operator is necessary.
PRI-EOP Procedure Interrupt EOP
Command similar to EOP. Operation by operator is necessary.
DCN Disconnect
Command to disconnect the FAX line and to connect the telephone line. Reply from the other side
is not necessary.
RR Receive Ready
Informs that the FAX is ready to receive documents and requests for data to set the reception
mode. (ECM mode)
RNR Receive Not Ready
Informs that the FAX is not in the receivable state. (ECM mode)
PPR Partial Page Request
Informs that a part of page (ECM block) has not been received correctly. The number of the frame
needs to be corrected is informed by the FIF. (EC mode)
PPS Partial Page Signal
Informs that a part of page (ECM block) or one page has been transmitted. (EC mode)
CTC Continue to Correct
Replies to the 4th PPR which requests to correct the image signal; informs that the transmitting
station will continue to correct the frame data. (ECM mode)
CTR Response for Continue to Correct
Replies to CTC and informs that the receiving station has received and accepted the CTC. (EC
EOR End of Retransmission
Informs that the transmitting station has completed the correction of the error frame data (binary
signal) of the previous ECM block. (ECM mode)
ERR Response for End Retransmission
Replies to EOR and requests to transmit the image signal of the next ECM block. (ECM mode)
RTP Retrain Positive
Informs that the message has been received completely and that the subsequent message can be
continued after receiving the synchronization signal and CFR signal.
CRP Command Repeat
Requests to resend all the commands including optional frames because the preceding command
has been received incorrectly.