Order Entry Screen Chapter 1 - FS-3700 Overview
1-4 FS-3700 Owner’s Manual
1.2 Order Entry Screen
The order entry screen displays when the system is in POS mode.
The left side of the screen displays guest check information as
transactions are entered, adjusted and tendered. Each item is
explained below and a sample screen is shown on the next page.
The right side of each screen is fully programmable for each store,
(see the next section of this chapter for examples).
Order Entry Screen Items
Message Window
• Used for displaying items as they are entered on to a
transaction, including menu items, media and functions.
• System error messages are also displayed here.
Prompt Line
• Used to guide the system operators through transactions.
• Prompts are programmed in the Category Table.
Check Detail
• Th
is area displays the last 28 line items entered on a check.
Check Summary
• Check Information - shows the check number, the table or
order number if assigned, the guests or meal count and the
server who is assigned to the check.
• Check Totals – shows the taxable and non-taxable menu
item totals, sales tax, gratuity and amount tendered.
Status Line
• Shows the current system date and time, the current Order
Type, the current Meal Period, the current Menu Size Level,
the Station Name and the amount of free memory on the