Printing Guide — Installing Client Software for Macintosh 175
2. Select the LaserWriter 8 icon (and select the AppleTalk zone if
configured). Then select this equipment displayed in the list,
and click [Create].
• The Select a PostScript Printer Description File dialog box appears.
3. Select the PPD file for the equipment and click [Select].
• The PPD file varies depending on the equipment.
TOSHIBA_e-STUDIO4511Series (for e-STUDIO4511 Series)
TOSHIBA_e-STUDIO450Series (for e-STUDIO450 Series)
TOSHIBA_e-STUDIO280Series (for e-STUDIO280 Series)
4. Select each option according to the configuration of this
equipment and click [OK].
— Finisher
Not Installed — Select this if a finisher is not installed.
Single Position Stapler — Select this when the Single-staple Finisher (only for
e-STUDIO3511, e-STUDIO350, and e-STUDIO280 Series) is installed.
Multi-Position Stapler — Select this when the Multi-staple Finisher or Sad-
dle-stitch Finisher is installed.