Faxing from Applications 45
Select an address book to search contacts in the “Data Source”
drop down box.
The default address book in the “Data Source” can be set by selecting [View] - [Default
Configuration] - [Data Source] from the menu bar.
Display the Person tab and enter search text in the following fields
that you require.
Name — Enter the search characters or string to search by the first name.
Fax Number — Enter the search characters or string to search by the contact fax
E-Mail — Enter the search characters or string to search by the contact e-mail address.
(E-mail reception is not available in the equipment.)
You must enter one of the field to search contacts. It will search the contacts that have
exactly same name or fax number as the entered search strings.
If you want to clear entered values, click [Clear All].
Click [Search].
It begins searching contacts in the selected address book. When it completes searching,
found contacts appear in the list at the bottom of the dialog box.
If you want to stop searching, click [Stop].