Networking (AMIS)
34 Stratagy General Description 01/03
Networking (AMIS)
System Availability: Stratagy IVP8, Stratagy ES
Stratagy software supports industry standard AMIS analog networking. The AMIS analog
networking protocol enables Stratagy to pass voice messages to any remote voice mail system that
supports the AMIS analog protocol.
Note The AMIS analog networking specification does not support transmission of a fax
message over the AMIS analog network.
AMIS enables a Stratagy mailbox user to send, receive and reply to relayed voice messages over
an analog telephone network.
Networking (VPIM)
System Availability: Stratagy ES
Voice Profile for Internet Mail (VPIM) is an industry standard process that facilitates server-to-
server message exchange over the Internet between VPIM compliant voice processing systems
from different manufacturers. VPIM can exchange both voice and fax messages as long as they are
of the format dictated by the VPIM standard.
One excellent use for VPIM with the Stratagy ES is in a networked enterprise where there are
multiple CTX phone systems supporting multiple Stratagy ES systems or VPIM-compliant
systems from other manufacturers. Though a centralized voice mail system would be the
preferable configuration for a network, some companies may already own multiple voice mail
systems and it may be more cost effective to upgrade them to VPIM compliance.
Paging – Office
System Availability: All systems
This feature enables individual users to receive a page over the office telephone system or
overhead paging system automatically via Stratagy ES. Stratagy ES places the call on hold or park
and makes a prerecorded page announcement using the DTMF access codes. The System
Administrator configures this feature for each mailbox using tokens.
Assures users that they will not miss important telephone calls.
Paging – Relay
System Availability: All systems
Relay Paging streamlines Notification—Message by permitting the caller to enter a telephone
number while the user’s greeting plays. The system pages the user but the pager displays only the
telephone number entered by the caller.
Shortcuts the normal procedure, enabling the user to return calls more promptly.