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5.5.8. Instruction Codes
Code No. Item Description
Command mode selection
Command mode selection
0: Terminal block
1: Panel keypad (including extension panel)
2: RS485 communication
3: No function
4: Communication option
Frequency setting mode
selection read
Frequency setting mode
selection write
0: Setting dial 1(save even if power is off)
1: Terminal VIA
2: Terminal VIB
3: Setting dial 2(press in center to save)
4: RS485 communication
5: UP/DOWN from external logic input
6: No function
7: Communication option
8: Terminal VIC
9, 10: -
11: Pulse train input
12, 13: -
14: sro
0072H Special monitor
0000H to FFFFH:
Monitor value selected after choosing instruction code 00F3H.
read 0073H
Special monitor code read Read the content that was monitored by special monitor.
write 00F3H
Special monitor selection Select the monitor code of special monitor.
0074H Trip history No.1, No.2 read Read the No.1 and No.2 of trip information.
0075H Trip history No.3, No.4 read Read the No.3 and No.4 of trip information.
0076H Trip history No.5, No.6 read Read the No.5 and No.6 of trip information.
0077H Trip history No.7, No.8 read Read the No.7 and No.8 of trip information.
Frequency command value
(RAM) read
Read the frequency command value (RAM).
Option frequency command
value (EEPROM&RAM) write*
Write the option frequency command value (EEPROM &RAM).
00F4H Trip history clear 9696H: Clear all trip histories.
00FCH Parameter all clear
9696H: Clear all parameters. (Parameters other than
proofreading values are made into factory default settings.)
00FDH Inverter reset 9696H: Reset the inverter.
1000H to 1999H
(1000H to
Read parameters (RAM)
To read parameters f000 to f984, add the triple figures
that follow Fxxx to 1000H.
(Ex: f984 -> 984 + 1000 = 1984)
No error occurs when you select 1A00 to 1F99.
Because these parameters are for maintenance.
2000H to 2999H
Write parameters
To write parameters f000 to f984, add the triple figures
that follow Fxxx to 2000H.