Quick Reference –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Strata DK Cordless Digital Telephone 5/99
Calling the Attendant Console
There are three ways to call the Attendant Console depending upon system programming. You
can call any Attendant Console, a particular Attendant Console, or all Attendant Consoles.
➤ To call any console
➤ To call a specific console
➤ To make an emergency call to all consoles
Tone/Pulse Dialing
With some older Central Offices, you may have to make calls using rotary dial pulses on
outside lines. To access remote equipment (such as an answering machine) requiring Dual-
tone Multi-frequency (DTMF) tones while on these lines, you must set your telephone for tone
dialing after you have dialed the telephone number. Your telephone must have a
button assigned in system programming to access this feature.
➤ To change to Tone Dialing
➤ Press a [DN] + . The call rings the Attendant Console. Dial 0 calls
rotate between the consoles if more than one console
is installed.
➤ Press a [DN] + the console’s
[DN] ______.
The call rings the console’s Incoming [DN] (,Q'1)
Note Your System Administrator can provide the
Attendant Console Incoming [DNs].
➤ Press [DN] + the emergency
access code
The call rings all consoles (
(PJU button).
1. Dial a telephone number
on a line programmed for
rotary dial pulses.
Although the line is programmed for rotary dial pulses,
you can access the line and dial the telephone number like
any other call described in this guide.
2. Press
while the call is
in progress.
The Tone Dial Select LED lights steady, and you can send
DTMF tones with your dial pad. If the LED is off, tone
dialing is not selected, and you cannot send DTMF tones.