Programming Overview
Strata DK Programming 5/00 8-3
● This record is similar to a Start record except that:
● The first character “E” indicates “End of Call.”
● Call duration is provided.
● Time of day shows disconnect time.
Figure 8-2 SMDR End of Call
Programming Overview
The basic programming for the E911 CAMA trunks feature is accomplished using Programs *11,
*12, and *13. Program *10 is not used for RMCU/RCMS CAMA trunks, it is only used when
E911 is provided using an adjunct E911 device.
Program 39 tips:
♦ When a user presses a normal CO line button and dials 911, the telephone drops the normal
line button and connects a CAMA trunk to an idle [PDN[ or
&$0$ CO button on the
telephone. Then, the DK sends 911 + plus the telephone’s CESID on the CAMA trunk. If there
is no idle [PDN[, 911 is sent on the originally selected CO line without CESID.
♦ To ensure that here is an idle PDN when a telephone is assigned to auto-off-hook, select a CO
line or CO line group in Program 32. The telephone should have a button appearance of this
CO (or pooled) line. Or, if the telephone does not have these line buttons it should have
another [PDN] button appearance to connect to the CAMA trunk in case 911 is dialed.
E004 3710 3710 08:14 00:05;32 5833710 911 MARY M NO.200
LCD User Name
Originating number -
always 911 (61~63)
Station ID
(10D maximum characters 43~52)
Time of day at end of call (19~21)
Call duration (23~30)
Originating DN (12~15)
PDN of originating station (7~10)
Originating trunk number (2~4)
“S” for start of call
“E” for end of call (1)