GL-2 Strata DK Programming 5/99
CCVY Call Center Viewer “Y” Connector—Enables two-way transmissions between the
Strata DK and a host PC, or SMIS equipment, and one-way transmissions to other
PCs. There are four ports on the Call Center Viewer Connector for one Strata DK,
another master port, and two additional ports.
CLASS Custom Local Area Signaling Services—Defines a number of features offered by
local telephone companies.
CLID or CND Calling Line Identification or Calling Number Delivery—Telephone number or
name of the calling party sent to the Strata DK system over incoming ground or
loop start CO lines. This feature is one of the “CLASS” features offered by some
local telephone companies.
CO Central Office—The facility which houses switching equipment that provides
telephone service (CO lines, E & M tie lines, DID lines, Centrex lines, etc.) for the
immediate geographical area.
CO Line A term used to define the Strata DK system hardware circuits that connect to the
Central Office network line pair. Each CO line, DID and tie line circuit is assigned a
CO line number in system software.
CODECs Coder/Decoder—Semiconductors that allow the system to process analog-to-digital
and digital-to-analog conversions.
DADM Digital Add-on-Module—Optional device that connects to 2000-series digital
telephones to provide the telephones with 20 flexible feature buttons that can be
assigned individually for Direct Station Selection, System and Personal Speed Dial,
and CO line access.
D-channel Used in ISDN. This channel transmits call control information (out-of-band
signaling) for B-channels. The D-channel is a logical, not a physical channel.
DDCB Digital Door Phone/Lock Control Unit—A peripheral hardware unit compatible
with designated digital telephone circuits that supports optional door phones
(MDFBs) and provides door lock control.
DDSS Digital Direct Station Selection Console—A device that helps facilitate the
processing of a heavy load of incoming calls. The DDSS connects only to
designated digital telephone circuits, and is associated with a digital telephone.
DIL Direct In Line—Refers to two-way, standard CO trunk lines that are assigned to a
particular extension or hunt group.
DID Line Direct Inward Dialing line.
DISA Direct Inward System Access—A feature that allows an outside party to access the
Strata DK system internal stations or outgoing CO lines without having to go
through an operator or automated attendant. An optional security code may be set to
prevent unauthorized access to outgoing CO lines for through system calling.
DK Digital Key.
Term Definition