Server-based Net Phone COS
Dial Plan Setup
Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08 39
Step 4: Create Configuration Files using
Admin Net Phone
Restart the Administrator’s Net Phone, if Net Phone is running, shut it down and
restart. Set up the buttons, Call Handler rules, skins, etc. as you would like the users’
Net Phones to be configured. Use the Net Phone User’s Guide as needed for how to
configure Net Phone. Additional advanced configuration information can be found
later in this document.
³ To Change the COS Configuration
1. Once the configuration is done, click the Main Menu icon on Net Phone (top left)
and select File > Publish. The following window appears:
2. Select the Server Group: NetPhoneUsers (the group created earlier for users).
3. Left-click on the file name “AG_COS.INI” to highlight it.