Satellite A30 Series 6
Satellite A30 Series
Last Saved on 12/08/2003 14:15
ENGLISH using Euro_M.dot –– Printed on 12/08/2003 as IM_A30EN
DVD-RAM: A Digital Versatile Disc Random Access Memory is a high-
capacity, high performance disc that lets you store large volumes
of data. The DVD drive uses a laser to read data from the disc.
DVD-ROM: A Digital Versatile Disc Read Only Memory is a high capacity,
high performance disc suitable for play back of video and other
high-density files. The DVD drive uses a laser to read data from the
DVD-RW: A Compact Disc-Read/Write disc can be rewritten many times.
echo: To send back a reflection of the transmitted data to the sending
device. You can display the information on the screen, or output it
to the printer, or both. When a computer receives back data it
transmitted to a CRT (or other peripheral device) and then
retransmits the data to printer, the printer is said to echo the CRT.
EGA: Enhanced Graphics Adaptor. A video display protocol defined by
the IBM Enhanced Graphics Adaptor and its associated circuitry
for direct drive TTL displays that supports 16-colour/monochrome
640x350 and 16-colour 640x200 and 320x200 graphics, and
16-colour 640x350 and 320x350 text modes.
erase: See delete.
escape guard time: A time before and after an escape code is sent to
the modem which distinguishes between escapes that are part of
the transmitted data, and escapes that are intended as a
command to the modem.
escape: 1) A code (ASCII code 27), signalling the computer that what
follows are commands; used with peripheral devices such as
printers and modems. 2) A means of aborting the task currently in
execute: To interpret and execute an instruction.
Extended Capability Port: An industry standard that provides a data
buffer, switchable forward and reverse data transmission, and run
length encoding (RLE) support.
fast infrared: An industry standard that enables cableless infrared serial
data transfer at speeds of up to 4 Mbps.
file: A collection of related information; a file can contain data, programs,
or both.
firmware: A set of instructions built into the hardware which controls and
directs a microprocessor’s activities.
fixed disk: See hard disk.
floppy disk drive (FDD): An electromechanical device that reads and
writes to floppy disks. See also diskette.