110 Error Codes
Error Codes
TopAccess has the pages for the job lists; print, transmission, reception, and scan jobs. The following error codes are
shown on these pages in the [Logs] tab (successful jobs have no codes). These codes help you specify the cause of an
error you might encounter.
The error codes are also shown on the [LOG] window of the touch panel. See the following lists when you find an error
code on the touch panel.
Error codes on print jobs
Error Code Problem Description Corrective Action
PM size error 1200 dpi print jobs cannot be printed without the optional expansion
memory. Send a print job with a 600 dpi setting.
4031 HDD full error Delete unnecessary private print jobs and invalid department print jobs.
4032 Private-print-only error Jobs other than Private print cannot be printed. Perform Private printing.
Printing data storing limitation error Printing with its data being stored to the HDD temporarily (Proof print,
Private print, Scheduled print, etc.) cannot be performed. Perform normal
e-Filing storing limitation error Printing with its data being stored to the HDD (print and e-Filing, print to
e-Filing, etc.) cannot be performed. Perform normal printing.
Local file storing limitation error Network Fax or Internet Fax cannot be sent when “Local” is selected for
the destination of the file to save. Select “Remote” (SMB/FTP) for the
User authentication error The user performing the printing has not been authenticated or user-
registered. Perform user authentication or user registration.
4038 Hold-print-only error Jobs other than Hold print cannot be printed. Perform Hold printing.
4039 Printing other than Private and Hold not
Jobs other than Private print and Hold print cannot be printed. Perform
Private or Hold printing.
No authority to execute a job The user has not been assigned the authority to perform this operation by
the administrator.
The connection with the LDAP server or its
authority setting has something wrong.
Ask your LDAP server administrator about it.
Job execution error due to functional
USB direct printing cannot be performed due to a functional restriction.
Contact your service technician.
File conversion error The format of this file is not supported in the USB direct printing, or the
file is invalid. Check the file.
Double-sign encoding error A double-sign encoding error occurred because the PDF file is encrypted
in a forbidden language or in a language not supported. Printing the file in
this function is disabled.
Printing not permitted Printing is not permitted or only printing in a low resolution level is
permitted due to the encryption language of the encrypted PDF file.
Printing the file in this function is disabled.
* Permitted only when a user password is entered.
Password mismatching The entered password is neither matched with a user password nor an
owner password. Check the password again.
A221 Job canceled (Job was canceled.)
Power failure Check whether the power cable is connected properly and it is inserted
securely. Check whether the power voltage is unstable.
Limit over error
(Black and White)
Number of prints has exceeded the one specified with the department
code and user code at the same time. Clear the limit counter.
Limit over error
(Black and White)
Number of prints has exceeded the one specified with the user code.
Clear the limit counter.
Limit over error
(Black and White)
Number of prints has exceeded the one specified with the department
code. Clear the limit counter.
Limit over error (Color) The number of prints has exceeded the one specified for the department
code and user code, or users (guests) are not authorized to perform color
printing. Clear the limit counter, or authorize users so that they can
perform color printing.