2. Scan to e-Filing
28 Scanning Guide — How to Use Scanned Data Stored in e-Filing
How to Use Scanned Data Stored in e-Filing
Scanned data that is stored in e-Filing can be listed from the touch panel or e-Filing web
Using Scanned Data in e-Filing from Touch Panel Display
The scanned data that is stored in e-Filing can be printed or deleted from the touch
panel. For instructions on how to print or delete scanned data in e-Filing from the touch
panel, see Operator’s Manual for Basic Function or e-Filing Guide.
Using Scanned Data in e-Filing from e-Filing Web Utility
The scanned data that is stored in e-Filing can be printed, deleted, copied to another
boxes or folders, and merged with other scanned data in e-Filing using the e-Filing web
utility. For instructions on how to print, delete, copy, or merge scanned data, see e-Fil-
ing Guide.