
November 2003 © TOSHIBA TEC 12 - 9 e-STUDIO3511/4511 DEVELOPER UNIT
12.5.4 Black developer unit lifting mechanism
(1) General descriptions
In the black developer unit, the drive from the developer motor is transmitted to cam with the black
developer lifting clutch and this promotes the lifting movement of the black developer unit to contact
or release against the photoconductive drum. When developing color images, (Y, M or C), the black
developer unit escapes contact with the drum. When developing black images each color developer
unit releases from the drum by rotating its revolver and the black developer unit contacts with the
drum instead.
Black developer contact position detection sensor detects whether the black developer unit is at the
developing position or at the escape position.
(2) Construction
Black developer lifting clutch
An electromagnetic clutch contacts or releases the black developer unit against the drum.
The clutch movement lifts the developer unit up and down by rotating the cam.
Black developer contact position detection sensor
Detects whether the black developer unit is at the contact position or release position. This sensor
detects the shield plate. “L” is output when contacting and “H” is output when releasing.
Black developer contact timing detection sensor
Controls the black developer lifting clutch. This sensor outputs reference timing signals for control-
ling ON/OFF of the black developer lifting clutch. “H” is output when releasing and “L” is output
when contacting. The sensor controls the power supply to turn OFF the clutch after detecting the
output alteration (“L” to “H” or “H” to “L”).