Specify the following items as you require.
y In the “THRESHOLD” option, press the light button or dark button to specify the expo-
sure that applies when scanning a black original in the auto color mode. If you move
to the left, the black and white in an original will be scanned lightly. If you move to the
right, the black and white in an original will be scanned deeply.
y In the “IMAGE QUALITY FOR BLACK” option, press the desired mode button that
applies when scanning a black original in the auto color mode.
Press the [Next] button to display the next screen.
Specify the following items as you require.
y In the “RESOLUTION” option, press the desired mode button applied for color scans.
[600] can be selected only when the optional expansion memory is installed.
y In the “ORIGINAL MODE” option, press the desired mode button applied for color
y In the “BACKGROUND ADJUSTMENT” option, press the light button or dark button
to specify the contrast for color scans. If you move to the left, the background color
will be lighter. If you move to the right, the background color will be darker.
y In the “EXPOSURE” option, press light or dark buttons to specify the default expo-
sure for color scans manually.
Press the [Next] button to display the next screen.