3. Printing
Printing Guide — Printing from Macintosh 285
— Scheduler
In the Scheduler menu, you can set when a print job will be sent to the equipment.
NOTE: This menu is displayed only for Mac OS X 10.3.x.
1) Print Document
This sets when a print job will be sent to the equipment.
- Now — Select this to send a print job now.
- At — Select this to specify the time to send a print job. When you select this,
specify the time to be send. The print job will be held in the queue on Mac OS
until the specified time has been reached or you resume the print job to be sent
from the queue on Mac OS.
- On Hold — Select this to hold a print job in the queue on Mac OS. When you
select this, the print job will be held in the queue on Mac OS until you resume the
print job to be sent from the queue on Mac OS.
2) Priority
Select the priority of a print job.
— Paper Handling
In the Paper Handling menu, you can set Reverse page order printing and Odd or Even
numbered page printing.
NOTE: This menu is only displayed for Mac OS X 10.3.x.