5.6 Troubleshooting
Displayed on LCD Audible Alarm Alarm Description What You Should Do
Output Overload Two Beeps/sec The UPS is overloaded
(in Line Mode). More
power required than the
UPS can provide. The
UPS operates in bypass.
Remove loads from the UPS;
least to most critical. If this
solves the problem, the UPS
will return to normal operation.
Battery Test No Beeps Battery test active. No action needed.
User Notification only.
Over-Charge Constant Beep Overcharged Batteries. Turn off loads. Turn off UPS
and call your local dealer.
Low Battery 2 Beeps/5 sec UPS operating on
Battery Power and will
shut down soon due to
low battery voltage.
The unit will restart
Automatically when acceptable
power returns.
On-Battery 1 Beep/5 sec UPS operating on
Battery Power.
Save your data and perform a
controlled shutdown.
Charger Failure Constant Beep Failed Charger. Phone service representative.
Over-Temperature Constant Beep High ambient
Ensure that the UPS fans and
vents are not blocked, and that
the ambient temp. is < 40° C. If
the problem persists call your
service representative.
Output Short Constant Beep Output short circuit. Call the service rep.
High output Voltage Constant Beep High output voltage. Call the service rep.
Low Output
Constant Beep Low output voltage. Call the service rep.
Bus Fault 2 Beeps/sec High internal DC bus
Turn off loads. Turn off UPS
and call the service
Site Wiring Fault 1 Beep/sec Voltage detected
between neutral and
UPS main connector wrong
polarity. Rotate the connector
(Schuko-electric contact). UPS
installed to main supply without
ground. See section 4.3 for
information on how to disable
the Site wiring alarm.
Line Abnormal 1 Beep/sec
Wrong AC Line
backed up during auto