port cannot be used when using the USB port. The USB cable is a standard cable and
may be purchased separately.
6.4 EPO Port (emergency power off)
A customer-supplied switch located remotely may be used to open the EPO connection
and force the UPS output receptacles to be switched off. The EPO function shuts down
the equipment immediately. An EPO will not provide an orderly shutdown. The UPS
will have to be manually restarted in order to regain power to the outlets.
After an Emergency Power Off (EPO), do not reset the breaker until the UPS has been
fully discharged. The UPS could be damaged if the unit is not fully discharged before
the breaker is reset.
6.5 Network Transient Protector
The network transient protector, located on the back panel, has both IN and OUT RJ45
10 baseT jacks and will protect a single network connector. Connect the input connector
to the jack labeled IN, and the output connector to the jack labeled OUT.
6.6 Load Segments
The sets of receptacles known as load segments provide organized shutdown and
startup of the equipment. Less critical equipment can be turned off during power
outages saving battery power for critical loads. The load group status can be viewed
from the LCD display and can be changed if necessary.
Load 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
1000 VA Backup (min) 150 56 38 30 23 19 15 12 10 7
1500 VA Backup (min) 80 37 21 19 18 15 13 11 8 6
2000 VA Backup (min) 150 68 38 26 19 14 11 9 7 6
3000 VA Backup (min) 80 40 25 19 15 12 9 8 6 5