Rev. D
Workman e2050/e2065Page 1 -- 2Safety (Rev. B)
Safety Instructions
The Workman e2050 and e2065 are designed and
tested to offer safe service when operated and main-
tained properly. Although hazard control and accident
prevention are partially dependent upon the design and
configuration of the machine, these factors are also de-
pendent uponthe awareness,concern and propertrain-
ing of the personnel involvedin the operation, transport,
maintenance and storageof themachine. Improper use
or maintenance of the machine can result in injury or
death.Toreduce the potentialfor injuryordeath,comply
with the following safety instruc tions .
To reduce the potential for injury or death,
comply with the following safety instructions.
Before Operating
1. Read andunderstand the contents of theOperator’s
Manual before starting and operating the machine. Be-
comefamiliar withthecontrols andknow howtostop the
machine quickly. A replacement Operator’s Manual is
available on the Internet at www.Toro.com.
2. Keep all shields, safety devices and decals in place.
If ashield, safety deviceor decal is defective,illegible or
damaged, repair or replace it before operating the ma-
chine.Also tightenany loosenuts, boltsor screwsto en-
sure machine is in safe operating condition.
While Operating
The Workman e2050 and e2065 are off--highway
vehicles only. They are not designed, equipped
or manufactured for use on public streets, roads
or highways.
1. Sit on the operator seat when starting and operating
the vehicle.
2. Before starting the vehicle:
A. Make sure that the battery charger is discon-
nected from the vehicle charger receptacle.
B. Engage the parking brake.
C. Make sure accelerator pedal is not depressed.
D. Check position of forward/reverse switch and Hi/
Low speed switch.
3. Before getting off the operator seat:
A. Stop vehicle, turn on/off switch OFF and remove
key from switch.
B. Set parking brake.
4. If vehicle is parked on incline, chock or block the
wheels after getting off the vehicle.