Workman MD Single Cylinder Gasoline EnginePage 4 -- 13
Engine Removal (Fig. 11)
1. Park machine on a level surface, stop engine, en-
gage parking brake and remove key from the ignition
2. Disconnect ground (black) cable from the battery.
Then, disconnect positive (red) cable from the battery.
3. Remove cargo box to gain access to the engine (see
Cargo Box and Tailgate Removal in the Service and Re-
pairs section o f Chapter 7 -- Chassis).
IMPORTANT: Make sure all hoses and engine open-
ings are plugged after disconnecting. This will pre-
vent contaminants from entering the engine and
fuel system.
4. Disconnect the following components:
A. Choke and governor cables from the carburetor
and cable bracket.
B. Air intake hose (item 38) from the carburetor.
C. Breather hose (item 42) from the engine valve
Read safety precautions for handling gasoline
before working on the fuel system (see Safety In-
structions in Chapter 1 -- Safety).
5. Disconnect fuel hose from the fuel pump (Fig. 12).
Remove cable tie securing the choke and throttle cables
to the fuel pump bracket.
6. Remove muffler and exhaust coupler (see Muffler
Removal in this section).
7. Remove drive belt from drive clutch.
8. Loosen fasteners that secure starter/generator. Ro-
tate starter/generator toward engine to loosen tension
on starter belt. Remove belt from the engine and starter/
generator pulleys.
9. Remove cap screw (item 49) and flat washer (item
50) that secure r--clamp (item 51) and shift cables (item
8) to engine. Position shift cables away from engine.
10.Disconnect engine electrical harness connector
from the main harness.
11. Remove four (4) flange nuts and cap screws secur-
ing the engine to the engine tray.
One person should operate the hoist while a sec-
ond person guides the engine out of the frame.
12.Remove engine from the engine tray.
A. Attach a short section of chain between fuel
pump bracket lift hole and exhaust manifold (Fig.
B. Connect hoist to center of chain.
IMPORTANT: Make sure t o not damage the en-
gine, fuel h oses, electrical harness or other parts
while removing the engine.
C. Slowly raise engine and attachments from the
13.Remove engine parts and attachments as neces-
sary to repair the engine.
Figure 12
1. Fuel pump bracket
2. Exhaust manifold
3. Fuel line
4. Drive belt
5. Starter/generator belt
6. Throttle cable
7. Governor cable
Single Cylinder
Gasoline Engine