Phase Lock – The Intelli-Sense receives daily weather updates from
three different paging carriers. At the time of ET Everywhere service
activation, the carrier with the highest signal strength is selected to
ensure the best data reception and to expedite the activation process.
After initial activation, the Intelli-Sense receives all carriers each night
to provide redundancy for data reception.
Rain Service – This is an optional service available in a limited number
of areas that enables the controller to receive rainfall information to
Water District Number – If you are an active participant in a water
agency program, you will be given a water control district identification
number to enter during the ET Everywhere service activation.
five-digit code will enable the controller to be automatically
of local agency requirements and/or restrictions.
adjust the program accordingly. Rain Service data accounts for local
reported rainfall and includes it in the soil moisture depletion calculations.
Stacking/Overlap Mode – When Stacking mode selected, the controller is
constrained to operate one program (or station) at a time.
In the Overlap mode, watering progams operate independently, enabling
up to four programs (or stations) to operate simultaneously, depending
on how the schedules may overlap. The primary factor to consider before
using the Overlap mode is if the irrigation supply can handle the
combined demand of simultaneous multi-program operation.
WaterWindow – The Water Window is a selectable time frame ranging
from 6 hours minimum to 23 hours and 59 minutes maximum per
scheduled watering day. The Water Windowstart time marks the
beginning of the irrigation for the day. All stations programmed to
operate on the scheduled watering day, must run to completion before
the end of the Water Window occurs.