
Chapter 4
Service Search
After connecting up the digital receiver, you will need to per-
form a service search.
4.1 Searching broadcasting services
This digital receiver can be operated with both fixed and mo-
torized antenna system. You have to configure antenna set-
tings according to yourantenna system inthe following order:
1. Configure LNB settings. (Refer to § 4.1.1.)
2. Set the position of your desired satellites if you have a
motorized antenna. You can control the antenna in DiS-
EqC 1.2 mode or USALS mode. Refer DiSEqC 1.2 to
§ 4.1.2, and refer USALS to § 4.1.3.
3. Perform service search.
4.1.1 Configuring LNB settings
Thereare inlarge twofrequencybands for satellitebroadcasts.
One is C band which ranges approximately from 4 to 6 GHz.