
TomTom Map Share
TomTom Map Share
With TomTom Map Share, you can correct errors on your map and share
those corrections with other people in the TomTom Map Share community,
as well as receiving corrections made by others.
If you find a street that has recently been blocked to traffic which was open
before, you can use Map Share to correct your map and then share the
correction with other Map Share members.
You can use Map Share to send and receive map corrections during the first
year after the map’s release date. This means that one year after the release
date, you will no longer be able to send or receive map corrections for that
version of the map - You will still be able to make corrections to your own map
for use on your own device.
You choose the type of corrections you want and each time you connect your
TomTom XL to TomTom HOME, the map is automatically updated.
Note: TomTom Map Share is not available in all regions. For more
information, go to tomtom.com/mapshare
Map corrections
There are two types of map correction:
Corrections that are immediately shown on the map. These include,
changing the traffic flow of a street, blocking or renaming a street and
adding or editing POIs.
This type of change is immediately shown on your own map. You can hide
these corrections at any time in the Map Share preferences menu.
Corrections that are reported to TomTom but not shown immediately on
your map. These include, missing streets, errors in motorway entrances
and exits and missing roundabouts.
This type of correction is investigated by TomTom and once verified, is
included in the next map release. These corrections are therefore not shared
with the Map Share community.