To redial a number that you have recently called, press the button twice
Voice dialling
You can use voice tags that you have saved in your mobile phone:
1. To start voice dialling, press and hold the button until you hear a
2. Say the voice tag.
3. The mobile phone plays the voice tag and dials the corresponding
phone number.
For details on using voice dialling, see the user guide of your mobile
Note: Some mobile phones may not support all the functions
described in this user guide.
Adjusting the volume
To adjust the loudspeaker volume, turn the ring.
Manual search for Bluetooth devices
If you have not established a connection to a mobile phone, you can
start a manual search for a mobile phone that supports Bluetooth
wireless technology.
To activate the Bluetooth search feature in the Advanced Car Kit, press
and hold the button.
If the search for Bluetooth devices is active, the indicator light will begin
Resetting paired Bluetooth devices
The Advanced Car Kit saves the last 7 Bluetooth devices that it has been
paired with.