About Map Share
Map Share helps you correct map errors. You can correct several types of map error.
To make corrections to your own map, tap Map corrections in the Settings menu.
Note: Map Share is not available in all regions. For more information, go to
Correcting a map error
Important: For safety reasons, do not enter the full details of a map correction while you are driv-
ing. Mark the location of the map error instead and enter the full details later.
To correct a map error, do the following:
1. Tap Map corrections in the Settings menu.
2. Tap Correct a map error.
3. Select the type of map correction you want to report.
4. Select how you want to select the location.
5. Select the location. Then tap Done.
6. Enter the details of the correction. Then tap Done.
7. Tap Send.
The correction is saved.
Types of map correction
To make a correction to your map, tap Map corrections in the Settings menu, then tap Correct a
map error. There are several types of map correction available.
Tap this button to block or unblock a street. You can block or unblock the
street in one or both directions.
For example, to correct a street near to your current location, do the
1. Tap (Un)block street.
2. Tap Near you to select a street near your current location. You can