About WORKsmart
Not using WORKsmart yet? Go to business.tomtom.com/protruck and find out how WORKsmart
can help your business save costs, become more productive and service your customers at the
highest level.
A simple upgrade lets you use our online WEBFLEET service with your TomTom PRO. This is not
just for large fleets but can be a great help to independent truckers too.
WORKsmart lets you save fuel with Active Driver Feedback. You can reduce paperwork and keep
an automatic, online logbook. Further you can prove that your hours are within working time regu-
lations and prove your performance with easy reports.
To use WORKsmart fleet management you need to activate the WORKsmart functionality by con-
necting your PRO to the online service TomTom WEBFLEET. For this you need to upgrade your
PRO device, Please contact your TomTom Business Solutions reseller.
You can connect your TomTom PRO to TomTom WEBFLEET directly or using a TomTom LINK
3xx/510 installed in your vehicle.
As soon as you have successfully activated your PRO you can select the WORK (page 124) menu
from the main menu and make use of the full WORKsmart feature set.
Connecting to LINK and WEBFLEET
The following information applies when you want to connect your TomTom PRO to a TomTom
LINK and WEBFLEET. To connect your TomTom PRO to WEBFLEET only, read Connecting to
In this chapter your will learn how to connect your PRO to TomTom WEBFLEET using the
TomTom LINK device installed in your vehicle.
1. Make sure that the LINK is connected to power and has a GPRS connection.
For details on the installation and connection to the vehicle supply voltage of the TomTom
LINK, refer to the TomTom LINK Installation Guide.
2. Switch on your PRO device.
3. Tap the screen to bring up the Main Menu.
4. Tap WORK.
You are asked to start the activation process.
5. Tap Yes.
6. Tap With LINK.