
Browse Map4.
Browse Map
To look at the map in the same way as you might look at a traditional paper
map, tap Browse map in the Main Menu.
You can use your finger to move the map by touching the screen and sliding
your finger across the screen.
AThe scale bar
Markers point to your current location, your home location and your desti-
nation. The marker shows the distance to the location.
Tap a marker to centre the map on the location pointed to by the marker.
CGPS button
Tap this button to centre the map on your current position.
DThe POI button
Tap this button to select which POIs are shown.
EThe cursor
FThe Find button
Tap this button to find specific addresses.
GThe Cursor button
Tap this button to plan a route to the cursor position, create a Favourite at
the cursor position or find a Point of Interest near to the cursor position.
HThe zoom bar