Map corrections with TomTom Map Share™10.
m Map
About TomTom Map Share
TomTom Map Share helps you correct map errors and share map corrections with the rest
of the TomTom Map Share community.
To correct your map and share map corrections with other Map Share users, tap Map cor-
rections in the Services menu.
Map Share allows you to send and receive map corrections for one year after the new ver-
sion of a map is released.
This means that one year after the release date, you can still correct your own map but
you cannot send or receive map corrections until you upgrade your map to the latest ver-
Note: TomTom Map Share is not available in all regions. For more information, go to tom-
TomTom Map Share community
To join the Map Share community, do the following:
1. Tap Map corrections in the Services menu.
2. Tap Corrections from others.
3. Read the description, then tap Join.
4. Read the description, then tap Continue.
5. Select the category of Map Share corrections you want to use for your maps.
6. Tap Done.
When you connect your Via to your computer, MyTomTom downloads any new correc-
tions and sends your corrections to the Map Share community.
Map corrections
Map corrections are reported by Map Share users and verified by TomTom.
• Corrections that are reported by Map Share community members include:
Changes to the traffic flow in a street, blocking or renaming a street and adding, remov-
ing or editing POIs.
These corrections are immediately shared with the Map Share community.
• Corrections that are reported by Map Share members and verified by TomTom include:
Missing streets, errors in motorway entrances and exits and missing roundabouts.