M i x C o ffee Beans Add up to 1/2 cup beans. Mix 45-90 seconds
or until desired consistency.
5 - 6
Chocolate Bars B r eak 2 ounces into 1” pieces and mix 30-60
seconds or until desired consistency.
S a u c e s Add liquids then solids to container. Mix until
d e s i red consistency.
F ru i t Cut fruit into 1/2” cubes and place up to 1
cup into container. Add 1/2 cup liquid. Mix
45-60 seconds or until desired consistency.
B l e n d Salad Dre s s i n g Add liquids then solids to container. Blend
until desired consistency.
F rozen Drinks Place up to 2 cups of liquid then solid food
into container. Blend 5-10 seconds then
quickly drop 5-10 ice cubes, one at a time,
t h rough the lid insert. Immediately replace lid
i n s e rt after each addition of ice cubes to
p re v e n t s p l a t t e r i n g .
Ve g e t a b l e s Place 1 cup of liquid and then add up to 1
cup of food cut into 1/2” cubes into container.
Blend 30-60 seconds or until desire d
c o n s i s t e n c y.
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