Suggested Cooking Chart
The following times are meant to be used as guidelines only. Times will vary
due to the cut or thickness of the meat being cooked. To be sure that the
food is truly done, use a cooking thermometer. If the meat does need more
time to cook, reset the timer and check periodically so you don’t over cook.
Make sure grill is preheated before cooking
Food Minutes Setting Notes
Beef, Lamb, Pork
Beef flank steak 6-8 Med-High sliced thinly
Beef hamburger, 4 oz. 4-5 Med-High
Beef kebabs 5-7 Med-High 1-inch pieces
Beef rib eye 6-7 High
Beef tenderloin 4-6 High
Lamb, ground 7-8 Med-High
Lamb kebabs 6-8 Med-High 1-inch pieces
Lamb loin chops 5-6 Med-High
Bacon 7-8 High grilling plate
Pork center cut chops 5-8 Med-High
-inch thick
Pork, ground 6-8 Med-High
Ham 3-4 Med-High fully cooked,
thick slice
Pork loin chops 6-8 Med-High
-inch thick
Ribs, country-style 8-10 Med-High
Sausage 5-6 Med-High lowfat, link or patty style
Breads, Baked Goods
Corn Bread 7-8 High sauté plate
Biscuits 9-10 High sauté plate
Cookies 9-11 High sauté plate
Eggs 2-3 High sauté plate, lid closed
Pancakes 5-6 High sauté plate
Fruit & Vegetables
Apple 2-3 Med-High
-inch slices
Asparagus 4-5 Med-High lengthwise
Bananas 1-2 Med-High sliced lengthwise
Carrots 6-8 Med-High
-inch thick slices
Corn 6 Med-High on-the-cob
Eggplant 7-8 Med-High whole, sliced in half
Onions 2-3 High thinly sliced
Peaches 1-2 Med-High cut in half or sliced
Peppers 4-5 High thinly sliced
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