
fill fryer basket with food and place into frye r. Repeat steps 10-13 as necessary.
1 4 . When finished, close lid, slide adjustable thermostat control to lowest position
(320°F) and push ON/OFF button to turn off the unit. The red operating light
will go out and ON/OFF button will be flush with unit. If on, the green ready
light will go off also.
1 5 . U n p l u g . A l l o w fryer and oil to cool completely before moving, cleaning or
s t o ri n g . Do not store electric fryer in refri g e ra t o r. If oil can be used again, stra i n
food particles from oil and store in a covered container in refri g e rator for future
Fry more batches of smaller amounts of food. Best results are obtained when th e
hot oil can freely circulate all around the food thus allowing the fryer to main-
t a i n h o t t e r cooking temperatures.
In general, pre-cooked foods require higher temperatures and less cooking time.
Cut or sort the food into uniform sizes. Cook same size pieces together so that they
will be done in the same amount of time.
Be sure foods are free from ice crystals and excess moisture before frying. Water
on the surface can cause the oil to splatter and foam.
When using a breading, evenly coat the food to be fried. Uniform and fine c ru m b s
s t i ck better than coarse and uneven ones. S h a ke off all ex t ra breading to help
keep oil clean.
Foods with a coating should be spaced in fryer basket so as not to touch while
For best results when frying doughs or foods dipped in a liquid batter, either r e m ove
the fryer basket or lower it into the hot oil before using a heat resistant metal spoon
to carefully place the food into the oil. If the fryer basket is immersed in oil, use the
b a s ket to remove the cooked fo o d .
Never over fill or under fill the fryer with oil.Minimum and maximum oil amounts are
marked on the inside of the cooking reservoir.
Clean or strained oil may be stored in fryer tempora ri l y, but should be transferred
to a covered container for storing once cooled. Store the container in the refrigerator.
If you fry fish or seafood, the oil will absorb a fishy taste. We suggest you change
your oil before frying other foods.