All-In-One Food Preparation System Use and Care Guide
Vegetable and Cheese Omelet
1 green onion with tops
2 small mushrooms
2 eggs
1 tablespoon water
dash of salt
dash of pepper
1 tablespoon butter
1 ounce shredded Cheddar cheese
1. Attach low speed chopper drive to blender body.
2. Add onion and mushrooms to mini-chopper container and pulse
on speed “I” for 3-5 seconds or until chopped.
3. Add eggs, water, salt and pepper to mixing/measuring beaker.
Attach blending stick to blender body and mix on speed “I” for
5-10 seconds.
4. Preheat a small frying pan over medium-high heat. Place butter in
pan, swirling it around until it stops foaming.
5. Pour egg mixture into pan. Allow eggs to set a few seconds. Using
spatula, gently pull egg mixture from outer edge towards center,
allowing the uncooked egg mixture to flow onto cooking surface.
Tipping the pan as you pull the egg mixture towards the center
will cause the uncooked mixture to flow more readily. Repeat on
opposite sides of pan until all of the egg mixture has stopped
6. When eggs are almost set but still shiny and moist, add vegetable
mixture and cheese on half of the omelet. Slide spatula
underneath half the eggs and fold over.
7. Continue to cook another 1-1
⁄2 minutes, or until done.
Makes 1 serving.
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