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Bagel Dough
8 bage l s
water 80°F/27°C 1 cup
s u g a r 1 1/2 T B L
s a l t 1 tsp
bread flour 3 cups
a c t i ve dry ye a s t 2 1/4 tsp
P ro g r a m 1 1
G l a ze :
egg, beaten 1
Toppings (optional):
sesame seeds, poppy seeds, cra cked wheat, wheat flake s, or dried onion flakes
Banana Wheat Bagel Dough
12 bage l s
egg room temperature plus 1
enough water 80°F/27°C to equal 1 cup
o i l 2 T B L
h o n ey 1 T B L
s a l t 1 1/2 tsp
mashed banana 1/2 cup
whole wheat flour 2 1/2 cups
bread flour 1 cup
a c t i v e dry ye a s t 2 1/4 tsp
P ro g r a m 1 1
G l a ze :
egg white, beaten 1
wa t e r 1 T B L
Toppings (optional):
p o p py seeds, sesame seeds
B agel Recipes Method
1 . Place on a lightly floured surfa c e. Divide into pieces. Roll each in a smooth ball, making a hole
in the center of each with thumbs. Gently pull to make a one inch hole.
2 . Place on a greased baking sheet. C o ver and let rise in a wa rm place for 10 minu t e s.
3 . In a 3-quart saucepan, bring to a boil 2 quarts water and 2 tablespoons sugar. Place a few
bagels at a time in boiling wa t e r. Simmer 3 minutes turning once. R e m ove with slotted spoon
and put back on greased baking sheet.
4 . B rush with egg and sprinkle with choice of toppings. B a ke at 400°F/205°C 20-25 minutes or
until done; cool on a wire ra ck .