
1. ChannelSelectSwitch(WM2000Only):Usedtoswitchbetweenintercomchan-
2. Intercom Listen Key: Both momentary (push-to-listen) and latching (hands-free
listen) are possible.
3. Call Key: Used to send call signals on the intercom channel and to indicate in-
coming calls.
4. Intercom Talk Key: Both momentary (push-to-talk) and latching (hands-free
talk) are possible. Additionally, the WM1000 / WM2000 has a feature called
"mic kill receive" which lets an operator at a remote master station (such as the
US2000A) turn off the talk key.
5. Dynamic-Mic Headset Connector: 4-pin male XLR connector accepts headsets
with monaural headphones and either a balanced or unbalanced dynamic micro-
6. Volume Control: Adjusts intercom volume to headphones.
7. Audiocom / Clear-Com* Selector Switch: The selector switch sets the intercom
station for compatibility with either Audiocom or Clear-Com channel connector
pin-outs, channel power requirements, and call signaling requirements.
8. Configuration DIP switches: DIP switches are provided to enable/disable the fol-
lowing features:
Headset Microphone Type Selection: Balanced or unbalanced microphone
may be selected.
DC call enable: This may be turned on to use the intercom station with inter-
com systems that use DC call signaling.
9. Connections Terminal Block: Used to connect intercom channel(s) and an op-
tional local power supply.
10.Sidetone Trimmers: These are used to adjust the level of the station operators
own voice in the headphones.
11.Mounting Holes: The mounting holes fit any standard, two-gang electrical box.
* Brand names mentioned are the property of their respective companies.