Accessories and Replacement Parts
520-760 MHz Bi-Directional Log Periodic Antenna
Includes mounting hardware and 10 feet (3 meters)
of coaxial cable with TNC Connectors
Order No. 878896
Antenna Cables: Special low loss antenna cables
with TNC Connectors.
1/2-Wave Antenna
450-900 MHz Log Periodic Antenna
Includes mounting hardware and 10 feet (3 meters)
coaxial cable with TNC connectors
Order No. 71147000
BTR Power Supply .................................PN 730127
BTR Intercom Patch Cable .....................PN 690412
BTR Intercom Dummy Load
Telex type............................................PN 878935
RTS type..............................................PN 878990
TR Battery pack, alkaline
(batteries not included) ..................PN 71215-000
TR Nickel Metal Hydride Battery pack
with “Smart Charger” ....................PN 71215-200
TR Nickel Metal Hydride
Battery pack...................................PN 71215-002
SC600 Splitter/Combiner...................PN 71197-000
Single 19" Rack Mount Kit ...............PN 71081-006
Mounts one base station in a 19" rack
Dual 19" Rack Mount Kit..................PN 71081-007
Mounts two base stations, side by side
in a 19" rack
Signal Switch Option...........................PN 878811-1
This option allows the user of a beltpack to re-
motely activate special relay contacts on a base
CCB-1 Interface Device
Interfaces Telex balanced to ClearCom
unbalanced. One CCB-1 is required for each au-
dio channel.
Order No. 96230-000
Te l
Model No. Length Order No.
CXU-10 10 Ft. (3 meter) 690419
CXU-25 25 Ft. (7.6 meter) 71151-025
CXU-50 50 Ft. (15 meter) 71151-050
CXU-75 75 Ft. (23 meter) 71151-075
CXU-100 100 Ft. (30 meter) 71151-100
Model No. Part No. Band Color Frequency
CLA-1 870658-1 Blue 520-564.9 MHz
CLA-2 870658-2 Yellow 565-614.9 MHz
CLA-3 870658-3 Red 615-659.9 MHz
CLA-4 870658-4 White 660-689.9 MHz
CLA-5 870658-5 Green 690-724.9 MHz
CLA-6 870658-6 Orange 725-760 MHz