CES-2 com plete TeleThin® An nouncer Earset.........................................................................800318000
(incluces TRV-04 125 ohm TeleThin® Re ceiver, CMT-98 5ft TeleThin®
Grey cordset and ET-4 Coiled Eartube)
SEB-1 Sin gle Earbud with Cord..................................................................................................59840005
DEB-2 Dual Earbud with Cord....................................................................................................59840001
HED-2 Col laps ible Light weight Head phone...............................................................................59840007
HED-3 Full Cush ion Noise Re duc tion Head phone.....................................................................63510021
TW-A 1/4 Wave Tele scop ing An tenna for TT-16 ...........................................................................877960
PA-2 USA Power Sup ply for TT-16 ................................................................................................730139
RM-S Sin gle Rack Mount for TT-16..........................................................................................71081001
RM-D Dual Rack Mount for TT-16.............................................................................................71081002
TR-16 Belt Clip ................................................................................................................................358815
The Telex TR-16 re ceiver is au tho rized un der part 15 of the FCC Reg u la tions. Changes or mod i fi ca -
tions to this equip ment could void the user’s au thor ity to op er ate the equip ment.
The Telex Model TT-16 trans mit ter is au tho rized un der Fed eral Com mu ni ca tions Com mis sion and
In dus try Can ada Rules. Li cens ing of the Trans mit ter, if re quired, is the us ers re spon si bil ity and
licensability de pends upon the us ers clas si fi ca tion, and fre quency se lected.
CAU TION: Changes or mod i fi ca tions made by the user could void the user's au thor ity to op er ate the
equip ment.
Op er a tion is sub ject to the fol low ing two con di tions: (1) This de vice may not cause in ter fer ence, and
(2) This de vice must ac cept any in ter fer ence, in clud ing in ter fer ence that may cause un de sired op er a -
tion of the de vice.