Mic Kill Receive
Audiocom master stations, such as the US-2002A, can transmit an inaudible signal to turn off the microphones in all remote
intercom stations on an intercom channel. This is useful when a remote intercom station has been left unattended with the
microphone on. The procedure to send a mic kill signal from a master station is a two-step process, so that it is very unlikely
that microphones will ever be turned off by accident. However, you may wish to disable the mic kill receive feature at the
intercom unit. You might do this, for example, if communications will be of a very critical nature where it is absolutely
essential the microphone never be remotely deactivated. To enable the mic kill receive function set DIP switch 1 to the open
position. To disable the mic kill function set DIP switch 1 to the closed position.
Call Signal Compatibility
For Audiocom setup, leave this switch in the open position, and also leave the Balanced / Unbalanced switch in the Balanced
position. For Clear-Com setup, set DIP switch 2 to the closed position and set the Balanced / Unbalanced switch in the
Unbalanced position.
Incoming Call Beep
Incoming calls are always indicated by a red-flashing call key. If you also want incoming call beep in headphones, set DIP
switch 3 to the Open position (default). DIP switch 3 must also be in the Open position if you want to activate incoming call
beep to the speaker using DIP switch 5.
Microphone Type
If you will be using a headset, telephone-style handset, or dynamic handheld microphone, and the specifications indicate the
microphone type is balanced, leave DIP switch 4 in the Open (default) position. If the specifications indicate an unbalanced
microphone set this switch to the Closed position. If you are not sure, leave the switch in the Open position for now, then try
both positions during the operation. Use the position that produces the best audio quality at other stations.
Speaker Beep for Incoming Call
Set DIP switch 5 to the Closed position if you want to hear incoming call beep in the speaker. Note that DIP switch 3 must be
in the Open position.
Balanced/Unbalanced Switch
This switch is set at the factory to the Balanced, or BAL, position for use with Audiocom intercom channels. Set the switch to
the Unbalanced, or UNBAL position for use with a Clear-Com intercom system.
Sidetone Trimmers
These are normally adjusted after all connections are completed. See “Sidetone Adjustment.”
Figure 3 - DIP Switch Location RM Version. Figure 4 - DIP Switch Location S, U, and P Versions.