Remote Control Console 3
Line Buttons LN1-LN2: Three buttons are available for each Line, SELect, RLS (Release) and Mute.
SELect button: When the SEL buttons is pressed that line enters the Select mode
Select LED: The Red LED under each LNx SEL Button indicates if the line is selected for transmit audio.
RLS button: The RLS button is used to release a selected line.
RLS LED: The blinking Red LED under each LNx RLS Button indicates receive audio activity on that line.
Mute button: The Mute button is used if RX audio from that line is not to be monitored in the speaker.
Mute LED: The steady Red LED under each LNx Mute Button indicates if the line is muted from receive
audio monitoring. A blinking LED indicates a external cross-mute.
Volume Control: Adjusts the receive speaker audio and handset earpiece level of the receive inputs of the line
interfaces. A minimum volume level can be set in tech-mode, so that the console operator cannot turn the speaker
volume to zero. When adjusting the level up or down, the display shows the selected level on a relative scale.
Monitor: When the Monitor button is pressed a Monitor tone burst is sent out on the selected line. The Monitor
tone burst consists of a guard tone and function tone of 2050Hz. An LED indication lights for the duration of the
tone burst.
Intercom (IC): When the Intercom button is pressed and held down the C-2002 shall transmit audio without
activating the tone generator. Intercom is considered a PTT operation with the tone generator disabled.
Panel PTT Pushbutton: When pressed, audio from the panel microphone plus key–up tones will be sent to all
Selected lines.
Transmit LED: This LED lights when any PTT source is depressed keying up the console. It will also blink if a
2175 Hz tone is detected on the selected TX audio lines. This would indicate to the operator that another console is
currently transmitting on one of the selected channels.
2.2 Rear Panel Connections
Figure 2 shows drawing of the rear panel of the C-2002. Each of the ports shown is discussed in detail in the
following section.
2.2.1 Rear Panel Ports
Power Jack: The left most jack on the C-2002 is the Power Jack. The power supply that is included with the unit
plugs in to this location. It is a standard 2.5mm center positive plug and requires at least 12V to operate correctly.
Figure 2 Rear Panel Diagram