Re ceive Fre quency
This screen dis plays the fre quency in MHz of the beltpack re --
ceiver. The fre quency is not change able in fac tory de fined
groups. The fre quency is change able in user groups.
Ed it ing the RX Fre quency (User Groups
1. Set the unit to the de sire user de fined group and chan -
nels. See Groups and Chan nels In struc tions. The menu
struc ture at the right (Fig ure 7-6) in di cates how to get
to the re ceive fre quency screen.
2. Push <SET> to edit the RX fre quency. The fre quency
will be gin flash ing.
3. Se lect the de sired fre quency with the <UP>/<DOWN>
ar row but tons. The fre quency can be changed in 25
kHz steps.
4. Push <SET> to place the unit on the new re ceive fre -
Bat tery Dis play
The bat tery dis play screen in di cates the cur rent per cent age of
bat tery life based upon al ka line bat ter ies be ing used in the
unit. NiMH bat tery packs will lose volt age nuch faster than al --
ka line bat ter ies to ward the end of life.
Bat tery Per cent ages
100 Pct = Fresh Bat tery
75 Pct = 75 % Life Left
50 Pct = 50 % Life Left
25 Pct = 25 % Life Left
10 Pct = 10 % Life Left. Low Bat tery Light Ac tive.
0 Pct = Bat tery Dead. Unit will lose com mu ni ca tion
at any time.
Set ting the Low Bat tery Alert Tone
The beltpack has an au dio alert tone that is sent to the
head phone if the bat tery life reaches 10 %. The tone is at
1 kHz and is heard for 0.5 sec onds ev ery 30 sec onds. The
tone is only heard at the beltpack. The alert tone func tion
may be turned on or off at the beltpack:
Low Bat tery Alert Tone On/Off
1. Press <SET> at the bat tery per cent age screen. The
screen be low will ap pear.
The low bat tery tone op tion will also be gin flash ing.
3. Use the <UP>/<DOWN> ar row but tons to turn the op -
tion on or off.
4. Push <SET> to ac cept the change. The dis play will
now re turn to the bat tery life screen.
Fig ure 7-6
Re ceive Fre quency/Bat tery Per cent age Screen
10 A1
484 200
b14 200
100 Pct
Pot 13
P Aut
En00 10