Operating Instructions Teledyne API Model T360/T360M Operation Manual
Triggering events define when and how the DAS records a measurement of any
given data channel. Triggering events are firmware-specific and a complete list
of Triggers for this model analyzer can be found in Appendix A-5. The most
commonly used triggering events are:
ATIMER: Sampling at regular intervals specified by an automatic timer. Most
trending information is usually stored at such regular intervals, which can be
instantaneous or averaged.
EXITZR, EXITSP, SLPCHG (exit zero, exit span, slope change): Sampling at
the end of (irregularly occurring) calibrations or when the response slope
changes. These triggering events create instantaneous data points, e.g., for
the new slope and offset (concentration response) values at the end of a
calibration. Zero and slope values are valuable to monitor response drift and
to document when the instrument was calibrated.
WARNINGS: Some data may be useful when stored if one of several
warning messages appears such as
WTEMPW (GFC wheel temperature
warning) or
PPRESW (purge pressure warning). This is helpful for trouble-
shooting by monitoring when a particular warning occurred.
4.7.2. Default DAS Channels
A set of default Data Channels has been included in the analyzer’s software for
logging CO
concentration and certain predictive diagnostic data. These default
channels include but are not limited to:
CONC: Samples CO
concentration at one minute intervals and stores an average
every hour with a time and date stamp. Readings during calibration and
calibration hold off are not included in the data. By default, the last 800 hourly
averages are stored.
PNUMTC: Collects sample flow and sample pressure data at five minute
intervals and stores an average once a day with a time and date stamp. This data
is useful for monitoring the condition of the pump and critical flow orifice
(sample flow) and the sample filter (clogging indicated by a drop in sample
pressure) over time to predict when maintenance will be required. The last 360
daily averages (about 1 year) are stored.
CALDAT: Logs new slope and offset every time a zero or span calibration is
performed. This Data Channel also records the instrument readings just prior to
performing a calibration. This information is useful for performing predictive
diagnostics as part of a regular maintenance schedule (see Section 8.1).
ogs the concentration stability, the electronic output of the IR
detector of the most recent measure phase and the measure/reference ratio every
time the instrument exits the zero calibration mode. Data from the last 200 zero
calibrations is stored. A time and date stamp is recorded for every data point
logged. This information is useful for performing predictive diagnostics as part
of a regular maintenance schedule (see Section 8.1).
STBSPN: Logs the electronic output
of the IR
detector of the most recent
measure phase and the measure/reference ratio every time the instrument exits