High Oxygen Setup # 39
Low Oxygen Setup # 41
Very Low Oxygen Setup # 43
High Carbon Dioxide Setup # 45
Low Carbon Dioxide Setup # 47
Select the output range for one or both output channels. ie To allow the oxygen or carbon dioxide to be
transmitted to another instrument.
Channel 1, Setup # 20 to 22
eg Oxygen 0.1 to 100.0%
Low Oxygen 10 to 10,000 PPM
Channel 2, Setup # 23 to 25
eg Sample Oxygen
Low Oxygen
Carbon dioxide
Frequently Asked Questions……..
1. How do I insert the hypodermic needle into the food pack?
Cut a 1.5 cm length of the septum strip. Peal the backing tape off. Squeeze the food pack to get the gas into one place.
Press the septum piece firmly onto the plastic wrapping film. Insert the hypodermic needle into the headspace through
the septum without touching the food product.
Leave the needle in the food pack until the pack has nearly collapsed, or at least 4 seconds for an oxygen measurement,
and 6 seconds for an oxygen and carbon dioxide measurement.
The septum strip will self-seal and can be re-used several times.
2. How often do I have to calibrate the Analyzer?
Oxygen – Once per year.
The 9070 uses the extremely stable zirconia oxygen sensor technology. In addition, the Analyzer automatically
corrects for any drift in the Analyzer.
Carbon dioxide – Every 6 months, or for critical applications every 2 - 3 months.
The carbon dioxide sensor uses a specifically designed infra red source to increase the signal strength and reduce the
effect of sensor drift. However optical measurements are not absolute measurements like the zirconia oxygen sensor,
so occasional checks on a calibration gas confirm the accuracy.
3. Why are there 3 sample modes, and which one should I use?
The 9070 Analyzer can read and display the current level of oxygen and carbon dioxide,
It can pick the minimum/maximum oxygen and the maximum carbon dioxide.
Use ‘Continuous’ mode if the Analyzer is to read a continuous supply of gas, such as monitoring a gas blanket over
milk powder.
Use either ‘Display Sample’ or ‘Fast Sample’ if the gas to be tested is in a food pack. The size of the pack will
determine which of these two modes to use. Use Fast Sample if the package has less than 50cc head space. The
Display Sample mode has the added advantage of displaying the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels as they change
through the testing process.
4. Why does the back of the cabinet get so warm?
The zirconia oxygen sensor runs at about 720°C. The small furnace is mounted in the vented section at the back of the
5. When should I replace the small disc filter on the hypodermic needle?
It will depend on the application, but you will know that the filter is blocked when the response time is much quicker
when the filter is removed. The filters are much cheaper than the oxygen sensor. Keep spares handy.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 9070 Oxygen Analyzer Page 3