6712SR Refrigerated Sampler
Section 2 Installation/Preparation
When installing the sampler, be sure the vertical distance
between the level of the liquid and the pump is as small as pos-
The refrigerator’s lower compartment is not watertight. Do not
install in a location where the refrigerator’s lower compartment
could become submerged.
2.7 Connecting External
The 6712SR sampler can be used in conjunction with several
types of external instruments.
2.7.1 Flow Meter
To connect the sampler to a teledyne Isco open-channel flow
meter, 4100 series flow logger, 2100 series flow module, or 1640
Liquid Level Actuator, attach the sampler-to-flowmeter cable to
the Flow Meter Connector. To connect the sampler to a
closed-pipe flow meter, attach a teledyne Isco 4-20 mA Input
Interface device to the sampler’s Flow Meter connector. Plug the
line cord into an AC power outlet. Be sure it is connected to 120
volts AC (optional 230 volts AC). When using the sampler with
an external instrument, remember these guidelines:
• Both the sampler and the flow instrument must be on
and running a program.
• If using a flow meter, logger, or module for flow pacing,
the sampler and the flow instrument must both run
programs with flow pacing settings.
• If using a flow meter or flow logger for trigger pacing,
the sampler must run a program with flow pacing
settings, and the flow instrument must run a program
with trigger pacing settings.
• When the sampler runs an event-paced program, it
disregards pacing pulses from a flow meter or flow
logger. However, the sampler continues to monitor for
enable signals.
2.7.2 Rain Gauge Connector
Connect the rain gauge, SDI-12 Sonde, or Refrigerator Temper-
ature Sensor connect cables to the nine-pin Rain Gauge Con-
nector. When connecting a rain gauge and an SDI-12 Sonde, or
rain gauge and a Refrigerator Temperature Sensor, use the
appropriate Y-connect cable. See the Accessories appendix at the
end of this manual.
Flow Meter Connector Icon
Rain Gauge Connector Icon