Oil in Water Analyzer Operation 3
Part I 3-5
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
• APPLICATION: Used to define the analysis ranges and application
(gas used).
• MODEL: Displays model number and software version.
• OUTPUT_CAL: 4-20 MA: Adjust 4 and 20 mA output.
The hierarchy of the system menu is shown in figure 3-1.
3.3.1 Setting up an AUTO-CAL
When proper automatic valving is connected, the Analyzer can cycle itself
through a sequence of steps that automatically zero and span the instrument.
Note: Before setting up an AUTO-CAL, be sure you understand the
Zero and Span functions as described in section 4.4, and
follow the precautions given there.
Note: If you require highly accurate AUTO-CAL timing, use external
AUTO-CAL control where possible. The internal clock in the
Model 6600 is accurate to 2-3 %. Accordingly, internally sched-
uled calibrations can vary 2-3 % per day.
To setup an Auto–Cal cycle:
Choose System from the main manu. TheVFD will display five subfunc-
Select MORE and Enter
Use UP/DOWN to blink AUTO—CAL , and Enter. A new screen for
ZERO/SPAN set appears.
ZERO in Ød Øh off
SPAN in Ød Øh off
Use UP/DOWN to blink ZERO (or SPAN), then Enter again. (You won’t
be able to set OFF to ON if a zero interval is entered.) A Span Every ...
(or Zero Every ...) screen appears.
Zero schedule: OFF
Day: Ød Hour: Øh