Teledyne API Model 465L O
Monitor Operation Manual
05509F DCN6409 41
7.1.5. Status LEDs
There are four Status LED’s on the front panel to the right of the concentration display. These
LED’s provide a quick view of the instrument’s Status as well as an indication of any problems
that may exist. The normal state for these LED’s after the initial 20 minute warm-up period is as
Table 7-2: Status LED’s
Status LED Normal State
Sensor OK ON
Invalid Reading OFF
Check Lamp OFF
Pneumatic Error OFF
If any of these LED’s are in a different state than shown above, then some adjustment or
troubleshooting should be performed. See Section 10.1 for more detailed information.
7.2. Front Panel Menus
The M465L has an interactive menu structure that can be operated from the front panel. From
within this menu structure, the operator can view real-time parameters such as temperature and
pressure, view configuration information, and edit setup parameters such as alarm limits.
Figure 7-2 below shows the menu structure as well as the buttons that are used to navigate it.
Starting with the display in Concentration mode, press CFG to enter Menu mode. At this point
the unit-of-measure LED should turn off and the first level of the Menu tree will be active.
Pressing the UP/DOWN arrows will now select from the items available at this menu level.
Press ENT to enter one of these sub-menus or press CFG to back out of this menu level back to
Concentration mode.
7.2.1. Menu Navigation Basics
1. Press CFG from Concentration mode to enter Menu mode.
2. Once in Menu mode, CFG will move backwards one level in the menu structure and
ENT will move forward.
3. Each menu level contains an EXIT selection. Selecting EXIT and pressing ENT will exit
the Menu mode and return the display to Concentration mode.
4. The Menu mode will timeout if no buttons are pressed within 30 seconds, and the
instrument will automatically return to Concentration mode.