3 Installation Model 3010MB
3-10: Part I
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
• The concentration in percent
• The range is use (HI< MED< LO)
• The span of the range 0-100%, etc)
• Which alarm - if any - are disabled (AL-x DISABLED)
• Which alarms - if any - are tripped (AL-x ON)
Each status output is followed by a carriage return and line feed.
Three input functions using RS-232 have been implemented to date.
They are described in Table 3-4.
Table 3-4: Commands via RS-232 Input
Command Description
as<enter> Immediately starts an autospan.
az<enter> Immediately starts an autozero.
st<enter> Toggling input. Stops/Starts any status message output
from the RS-232, Until st<enter> is sent again.
The RS-232 protocol allows some flexibility in its implementation.
Table 3-5 lists certain RS-232 values that are required by the 3010MB.
Table 3-5: Required RS-232 Options
Parameter Setting
Baud 2400
Byte 8 bits
Parity none
Stop Bits 1
Message Interval 2 seconds
Remote Sensor and Solenoid Valves: The 3010MB is a single-
chassis instrument. However, the REMOTE SENSOR and SOLENOID
RETURN connectors are provided for use with a remote sensor and/or
sampling system, if desired. See Figure 3-7 and 3-8.